Character Agency

How to Write: Character Agency

Character agency is basically about giving your characters choices. It’s also tied in to the idea of making relatable, rounded characters – so characters with aims and flaws, who make good and bad decisions. Character agency is the decision-making bit of that; it’s letting the characters drive the events in your stories. Character agency is…

How to Write Plot

How to Write: Plot

Ever read a book where you. Just. Don’t. Care? There’s danger…and ooh, the hero saved the day. Big surprise! You guessed that from the start. So here’s some ideas to make your plot a cliff-hanger and drama-filled rollercoaster… 1. Two bad choices Give your protagonist a choice…but make both of the options bad. Save the…

How to Write Query and Cover Letters

How to Write: Query and Cover Letters

Cover letters are usually sent with submissions, either to publishers or agents. They’re intended to say something about the item you’re submitting and about you as a writer and person. However, for something that sounds simple, they can be surprisingly annoying to get right. Here’s some advice from Joanne Hall, who is submissions editor for Grimbold…