Tint Journal is the first online literary journal with an explicit focus on writers who produce creative texts in English as their second or non-native language. Find out more
Welcome to our list of creative writing journals and literary magazines currently accepting submissions. Clicking on an item will take you to page with a detailed description, additional information about the publication, and a direct link to the publisher’s page.
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AGNI is a literary magazine housed at Boston University and known “among readers around the world,” as the writers group PEN put it, “for publishing important new writers early in their careers, many of them translated into English for the first time.” Find out more
Alaska Quarterly Review is a literary journal devoted to contemporary literary art, publishing fiction, short plays, poetry, photo essays, and literary non-fiction in traditional and experimental styles. It is published by the University of Alaska Anchorage in partnership with the Center for the Narrative and Lyric Arts. The editors encourage… Find out more
Since 1990, the American Literary Review has been published through the Department of English at the University of North Texas. From the journal’s inception, we have made a point of publishing poetry, fiction, and nonfiction by writers at all stages of their careers. Find out more
Issued triannually, American Short Fiction publishes work by emerging and established voices: stories that dive into the wreck, that stretch the reader between recognition and surprise, that conjure a particular world with delicate expertise—stories that take a different way home. Find out more
The Antioch Review, a small independent literary magazine founded in 1941 in a small town in the cornfields of Ohio, is one of the oldest, continuously publishing literary magazines in America. Publishing essays, fiction, and poetry from promising and prominent authors, the Antioch Review has an international readership and reputation… Find out more
Since 1857, The Atlantic has been challenging assumptions and pursuing truth. As we reflect on our past and look toward the future — in a world where ideologically narrow or simple answers are less adequate, and can even be more destructive, than ever — we decided to put to words… Find out more
Atticus Review is a daily online journal that publishes fiction, poems, and creative nonfiction, as well as graphic art, mixed media, music essays, and, on occasion, blog posts, interviews, and non-traditional book reviews. We have been publishing great work since 2011 and have had over 1200 contributors. Find out more
The Banyan Review is an online, international journal promoting poetry, art, and the natural world. We publish four issues annually, and our “intervals” section features poets, artists, thinkers, and essayist between published issues. A print anthology of selected work is published every other year. Find out more
Barren Magazine is a literary publication that features fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and photography for hard truths, long stares, and gritty lenses. We revel in the shadow-spaces that make up the human condition, and aim to find antitheses to that which defines us: light in darkness; beauty in ugliness; peace… Find out more
Black Fox Literary Magazine was founded by Racquel Henry, Pamela Harris, and Marquita Hockaday. The three writers met during an MFA program at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, New Jersey. Here at Black Fox, we publish both established and new writers. We welcome all fiction, but we especially like fiction… Find out more
Black Heart Magazine is an independent online literary magazine, transmitting tenacious text around the world at the speed of wifi. Since 2004, our site has been combating clichés and skipping straight to supercharged stories with a simple catchphrase: we heart art. Find out more