If you are one of those persons which liked to read a lot in college and loved to write fantasy novels, you have some writing skills. If you often find you thinking about stories, what to read next or your next essay, you might have a talent. And you should start to discover it piece by piece and start making it your job, not just your hobby.
Of course, it’s not so easy to resign from your actual job and start writing without a plan. You should implement this decision slowly and with baby steps. The first one you could do is to make writing a part-time job.
And if you have a talent, why not use it? Besides the reward that comes from this, you could also start monetizing it. And, step by step, you can become one of those people who love their job. But, firstly, let’s see how you can start monetizing your talent:
Create a Blog
Even though there are lots and lots of blogs, you can spot the one of a talented writer. You can use your blog to post your thoughts, your analyses or your stories. It’s up to you. But you should see it as a playground, a way to learn new things about you and your skills. Besides this, you can easily be remarked by the right person. You will be able to start monetizing your skills easier.
Become a Contributor
There are some magazines and newspapers that have collaborations with contributors. Even though it is not a full-time job, you can write articles for some publications.
It is a good start for you, especially because your articles can be read by lots of people. And, step by step, you will become known and writing will become your primary job.
If you are a freelancer, you will have access to many different opportunities. You can use your creativity in many ways. From writing slogans to finding names for different companies, they all need creativity to be born. Or, you can start by being a ghostwriter. Either way, your writing skills will be appreciated. And, this is how a hobby becomes a job.
Become an Editor
If you like writing and reading, you could have also editing skills. There are lots of people who might be so busy writing their ideas, that they might forget to put a comma. Or they could misspell a word.
Or maybe their ideas are not so easy to understand. Here is where the editor brings his contribution. You will spend your time reading novels and editing them, giving feedback and proofreading.
Writing Content for Social Media
There are so many domains where a good and creative writer is needed. Although you have not worked in marketing until now, this is your moment.
You won’t have to make graphic design or things like this. Your only job would be to write content for that designs that will be published on social media. You will be amazed by how easy it is and how much money you will make.
Create E-books
If you are that kind of writer who likes writing long and complex text, this opportunity is perfect for you. There are a lot of companies, websites or magazines who would like to have e-books on different topics, including guidelines. So, you will feel at ease when collaborating on writing long papers. And if this is your choice of monetizing your awesome writing skills, you could expect a long and fruitful collaboration.
Become a Beta Reader
Every writer has its Beta Reader. And every writer needs his Beta Reader. What does this mean? Before every novel or paper is published, it is edited and proofread. But, it is also analyzed from another point of view.
A Beta Reader is the one who knows a lot about structure, how to catch the reader’s attention and all the details that make the difference. You could help writers to add a touch of magic to their novels. It is the perfect opportunity for your creativity to go wild.
Sharing the Knowledge
If you have good writing skills and you also like teaching, this opportunity is perfect for you. You can organize or take part in workshops whose main objective is to teach the others how to start writing.
You can share your knowledge on writing techniques, fantasy novels or the details that make the difference. You can help shape the next generations of writers.
If you have good writing skills, you can start monetizing them. But, be honest with you and analyze objectively your skills. You cannot expect to make money for something you do not have. Start exercising and discover your hidden skills.
There are so many opportunities you can take advantage of. It’s up to you what choices you make. Writing can be just a part-time job, at first. But if you really like it, why not go further?
If you’d like to learn more about writing jobs and how much they pay, read our article High-Paying Writing Jobs for People Who Love Writing.