Event Details
The Creative Future Writers’ Award is the only free-to-enter national writing competition for all underrepresented writers–those who face barriers due to health, mental health, identity or social circumstances. The theme for
Event Details
The Creative Future Writers’ Award is the only free-to-enter national writing competition for all underrepresented writers–those who face barriers due to health, mental health, identity or social circumstances.
The theme for 2025 is ‘Wild’.
Open to any underrepresented writer over 18, currently living in the UK (regardless of immigration status), who has not published a book in a literary genre.
Submit one piece of writing in poetry (50 lines max.), fiction or creative non-fiction (2,000 words max.)
Up to £20,000 of prizes in training, mentoring, assessment and coaching. 15 prize winners are selected.
Free to enter.
We are keen to encourage quality, so suggest writers to check their stories before submitting using Prowritingaid. They have free and paid versions and are the best writing software we know to help improve grammar, readability and check for repetition, ‘sticky’ sentences and suggest alternatives.