Event Details
Submissions for the Dually Noted Group Writing Project are open. The theme is A Nightclub for the Newly Departed. Dually Noted is Brink’s exciting group-writing project. New and established writers from
Event Details
Submissions for the Dually Noted Group Writing Project are open. The theme is A Nightclub for the Newly Departed.
Dually Noted is Brink’s exciting group-writing project. New and established writers from around the world come together to either create one ongoing story through weekly installments, or the collection features powerful standalone stories.
Each 500-word section should be a complete story arc. Writers are free to submit stories of any genre, subject, or style (even poetry is welcome!), but submissions should adhere to the theme.
The deadline for each submission is each Friday night by 11:59 pm PST. Submissions sent after the deadline will be considered for the following week.
The editor will publish the best submission at the beginning of each week.
We are keen to encourage quality, so suggest writers to check their stories before submitting using Prowritingaid. They have free and paid versions and are the best writing software we know to help improve grammar, readability and check for repetition, ‘sticky’ sentences and suggest alternatives.