Blue Pencil Agency First Novel Award 2025

sat31may7:59 pmsat7:59 pmBlue Pencil Agency First Novel Award 2025Open to unrepresented writersCategoryNovelInternationalEntry Fee£25 Max word count20,000 Top Prize£1,000 + agent Introduction

Event Details

The Blue Pencil Agency First Novel Award is open to unrepresented and unpublished authors for a novel in any adult fiction genre.

The organizer is looking for:

  • any genre with the exception of children’s fiction and non-fiction. YA is permitted provided there is an adult crossover.
  • a strong voice.
  • an original and unforgettable story that grips the reader
  • an attention grabbing first paragraph.
  • the manuscript should be completed or close to completion.

Entries must be written in English. The award is open to unrepresented and unpublished authors of fiction at the closing date of May 31, 2025. Authors must be over 18 years old at the time of entry.


  • The long listed writers will be contacted by email with announcements of the titles on the website in July.
  • Short listed writers will be asked to submit 20,000 words (includes the initial entry).
  • The winners will be notified by email and announced in October 2025.

Literary Agent Judges: Hellie Ogden and Suzannah Ball from WME.

Author Judge: Samuel Burr

We are keen to encourage quality, so suggest writers to check their stories before submitting using Prowritingaid. They have free and paid versions and are the best writing software we know to help improve grammar, readability and check for repetition, ‘sticky’ sentences and suggest alternatives.

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