

STORGY Magazine

STORGY was founded in 2013 by Tomek Dzido and Anthony Self as a means by which to explore the short story form and engage with readers and artists alike. An online literary short story magazine consisting of a core group of dedicated writers, STORGY aims to inspire artistic collaboration and provide opportunities for creative minds to meet.

STORGY seeks to publish and promote exceptional literary fiction whilst providing authors with the opportunity to reach a wider literary audience. We take pride in discovering new and emerging talent, whilst also celebrating the work of established writers. If you have a passion for short fiction and an urge to weld with ink, read on to discover more about STORGY and our mission.

At STORGY we search for short stories which challenge literary conventions and experiment with genre, style, form and content. We are looking for innovative fiction which examines the human condition and explores the struggle of survival. We want writing which forces the reader to face the reality in which we live, or the illusions in which we hide. We want soul, be it broken or bruised, or endless and almighty. Tell us, teach us, transform us.

We are also extremely keen to collaborate with other artists. Whether you are a painter, illustrator, photographer, or thinker, we seek creative folk with whom to explore new ways of creating short fiction. If you would like to submit artwork or discuss collaborating with us, drop us a line and introduce yourself. Our mission is to mingle. Welcome.

We are keen to encourage quality, so suggest writers to check their stories before submitting using Prowritingaid. They have free and paid versions and are the best writing software we know to help improve grammar, readability and check for repetition, ‘sticky’ sentences and suggest alternatives.

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